Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Are there other sites you recommend?

If you enjoyed this website, we also highly recommend you take a look at our sister sites where you can see how you would have fared if you invested in the company instead of buying the product and where you can see how much you would have today if you had bought Bitcoin instead of your phone.

Why does the calculator start in 1981?

Apple went public in December 1980. While the calculator could include December 1980, a decision was made to start it in 1981 to avoid input error with other months of 1980.

I specified to include college and also specified a value. Why did the opportunity cost not change?

If a child born in the specified birth month is still under the age of 18, college costs would not aapply.

How were 'Upper', 'Middle' and 'Lower' income brackets determined?

The USDA survey provided three income brackets. It did not name these brackets, but we have.

How are stock splits and dividends accounted for?

The calculator relies on Yahoo Finance's adjusted monthly stock closing price for Apple. This adjustment factors in stock splits and dividends. It could be argued that there should be trading fees associated with re-investing dividends. This has not been factored in.

Why does this calculator use Apple stock instead of other stocks?

Apart from the fact that this website is called, Apple is a very well-known stock that has performed very well over the last 30 years. This analysis would not be as interesting for poorly performing or newer stocks.

When does this assume a child starts college?

If specified, this analysis assumes a child starts college exactly on his 18th birthday. While this could likely be improved to reflect most post-secondary programs beginning in the Fall, it doesn't.

I have other questions, who can I ask?

Feel free to email other questions to Responses, if any, may be delayed.